Code of Conduct

USA and PCLA Code of Conduct

We believe that team sports can be a rewarding and positive experience for all involved. This starts by keeping everyone safe at PCLA events. We follow the USA Lacrosse Code of Conduct. It is the link at the top of this page. PCLA has added some clarifications as noted below.

There is ZERO tolerance for any actions that risk harm or injury to a player, coach, official or spectator. This may result in immediate expulsion and or suspension. Enforcement decisions are at the sole discretion of the PCLA Site Manager and Directors.

We believe it is best to put out a fire when it is small, and even better, before it starts. That is the goal of the PCLA Code of Conduct. PCLA staff are trained on de-escalation techniques, and we ask everyone to show respect for each other. Young eyes are watching and learning the behaviors that they see from us.

We will observe the following rules to reduce the risk of injury or abuse that is inherent in group activities. This applies to event venues and any travel to and from events. This applies to everyone associated with PCLA events.

Acceptance of the USA and PCLA Code of Conduct is mandatory for all participants in PCLA events. PCLA events are conducted during our spring season, Laxfest, and All-Star Games. This includes players, parents, coaches, officials, and spectators. 

On the Field of Play

  • We play by modified youth rules that are available on the PCLA site. Lacrosse is played with sticks and protective equipment. Players may check an opposing player's stick to dislodge the ball. Body checks are not permitted except for boys 7-8 grades. Players may make contact with an opposing player, but not with enough force to move or knock them down.
  • Our PCLA players are coached on the proper way to deliver stick checks. We teach players to poke check. This reduces the chance of injury and is the most effective way to check an opponents stick. Checks that do not follow the rules will be called by the officials. Players that make illegal stick or body checks will be removed from game play for more than two offenses.

Event Venues

  • No alcohol, drugs, or weapons of any kind are allowed at PCLA events. No tobacco use or vaping within 100 yards of the field.
  • Once lightning is detected and felt to be within 6 miles of an event venue, all individuals should move to safe structures and play should be suspended for 30 minutes. Evacuating to safe structures can begin whenever an imminent weather threat is recognized.
  • Players must be properly registered with the PCLA and properly equipped. Mouthpieces must be worn.

Abuse Prevention

  • No bullying of any kind will be tolerated. This includes teasing, profane, insulting, or suggestive language.
  • Hate speech or promotion of hate groups is prohibited. Our events are non-political and non-sectarian. All races, creeds, ethnic groups, and orientations are welcome.
  • No horseplay or inappropriate physical contact. Fist bumps are the way we show appreciation for players, coaches and teammates.
  • No adult or players more than four years older will spend time alone with a player that is not a family member. Any requests for the player to "keep a secret" is suspicious and should be reported.
  • Appropriate dress is expected at all times at event venues. No undergarments may show. See-through, mesh, or sheer clothing must be worn with appropriate garments underneath. All attire must be free of references to alcoholic beverages, tobacco, illegal drugs, and illegal activities. No offensive, sexual, vulgar, or profane statements are allowed. Promotion of hate and violence is prohibited. Inappropriate dress should be corrected or the wearer will be asked to leave the venue.
  • Parents please be aware of where your child is and who they are with. For younger children bathroom visits should be supervised. All children should remain in visible locations.
  • Parents please encourage your child, but allow your child's coach to provide instruction and the officials to make the calls on the field. Parent interaction with officials and opposing coaches is NOT allowed. All questions about rules or rulings should be addressed with coaches after the game in question. Shouting from the sidelines has NEVER helped improve a game situation.
  • Parents please share your concerns with your child's coach or your PCLA Director. We want to ensure that your concerns are heard. You are always welcome to contact the PCLA Exec Director directly if needed. Contact information is on our About page.

Just like at airports, if you see something, say something. Please report issues to the PCLA Site Manager or PCLA Exec Director. Our PCLA coaches, site managers and directors are ready to help you. Please help us keep the PCLA safe for everyone.

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